
Monday, April 22, 2019

Jesus Loves You

A couple months ago I began praying for my future husband. I prayed that God would write a love story for me that was greater than one I could ever think up myself. With this I wrote up a list of qualities I’m praying for in my future husband, calling it my "Boaz List."

It wasn’t until recently when I began to think... the qualities I have written on my list, God exceeds. God gives me flowers (every spring), he loves my family (enough to die for them too), he is creative (in his sunsets and mountains), he is forgiving (1 John 1:9), a good communicator (through his word), and if we’re being honest probably gosh darn handsome (I really don’t know about this one but I’m just assuming). I walk with confidence knowing God has someone perfect for me but until then I’m thanking God for the unbeatable love story he wrote for me at the cross.

Friday, March 8, 2019

"dnr" on the flesh

Roman 6:5-14
I spent weeks reflecting on this verse -- reading it out loud, praying it, and even writing it in my own words. Something that jumped out to me in that process was the word “crucified”. Dying can take many forms, it can be slow and painful, or on the other spectrum, quick and even painless. Romans 6:11 tells us that as Christians we dead to sin… DEAD. But as I got to thinking I realized… I don’t want my old sinful self to just be dead. I want it to be CRUCIFIED! This life I live in the flesh I began praying that God would take it and just nail it to the cross… finish it. I didn’t want the slow drawn out process of death, I wanted the crucifixion of it. When Jesus died, he died to sin “ONCE AND FOR ALL” as told in Romans 6:10. After reading that I began to declare a DNR on my old self! I’m not giving Satan the power or permission to resuscitate my worldly self. This can be a scary thing to pray for because the worldly life is attractive, fun, and easier but as one takes the first, sometimes painful, step into obedience the desire to be obedient grows.

Galatians 2:20
“I have been CRUCIFIED with Christ. This life I life in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.”